Thursday, February 10, 2011

Minecart Launchers/ Minecart Jumps/

In a previous post, I mentioned that multi-carts could be used to achieve minecart jumps. Since I am currently testing my own build of minecart jumps, I will take this time to refer readers to the crafter from whom I first learned about minecart jumps, the youtuber Pwegoable. Pwegoable named his minecart jumping structure a "minecart launcher", and as far as I know he is the only person to have ever discovered this glitch. The below video is his tutorial.

I will have a post on minecart jumps after I'm done testing my own builds.


  1. I should really start playing this game...

  2. Great tutorial! I'll have to build one :)

  3. Excited for this because I just started playing.

  4. Wow that is some crazy awesome stuff, can't wait to see your tutorial :D

  5. nice! I wanted to see a vid of one of the things. Lol. Are you going to make any vids of your creations anytime?
